Our Services

Our Services


Our key focus is workplace investigations which often relate to alleged breaches of an organisation's Code of Conduct. We also undertake factual investigations on behalf of insurers and incident investigation using the Incident Cause and Analysis Method.

Our investigations all result in a comprehensive, factually and legally correct Investigation Report suitable for obtaining legal advice and making tactical and strategic decisions.

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Our mediation services aim at facilitating parties to generate their own solutions to their own disputes. We regularly provide workplace mediations, general mediations and family dispute resolution from our custom-built offices at The Darwin Mediation Centre.

Our mediators are accredited under the National Mediator Accrediation System (NMAS) and are bound and abide by the national professional standards.

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Our advisory services are testament to the fact that not every problem has a clear solution. These services include preliminary assessments of complaints to assist in determining next steps and workplace assessments in the form of a team or organisational 'health check'.

We also assist clients with emergency management including the development of plans, design and delivery of exercises, security risk assessments and crisis management.

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